Evidence, Salvation, Forgiveness, and Eternal DestiniesWhy is the resurrection of Jesus fundamentally important to the Christian faith? What evidence does it give us about Christ as Lord, Son of God, Deity, and Savior from sin? What can we learn about our own resurrection from the dead, judgment, and eternal destiny? What does it teach about forgiveness of sins, the conditions of salvation, and the life of Christians? Why is Jesus resurrection important...
The Significance of Jesus' Resurrection:
Ask Guide8:03 PM
Evidence, Salvation, Forgiveness, and Eternal DestiniesWhy is the resurrection of Jesus fundamentally important to the Christian faith? What evidence does it give us about Christ as Lord, Son of God, Deity, and Savior from sin? What can we learn about our own resurrection from the dead, judgment, and eternal destiny? What does it teach about forgiveness of sins, the conditions of salvation, and the life of Christians? Why is Jesus resurrection important...
What Claims Did Jesus Make?
Ask Guide8:02 PM
Many people think of Jesus as a great religious teacher and even a prophet, but not the Divine Son of God. What did He really claim? Did He accept claims that He was the Christ, the Divine Son of God in the flesh, eternal, and our Savior? Did He believe people must believe in Him and obey Him to be saved and receive eternal life? Did He accept worship? Some people that believe these claims were first made for Him by His followers long after He died....
Evidence for Jesus' Resurrection
Ask Guide8:00 PM
The resurrection of Jesus is a fundamental proof of the gospel that He is the Christ, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. Yet some claim that He never really died, or that the disciples stole the body, or some other theory. What are the facts? Are there witnesses to these events? If so, what is their testimony? Did Jesus really die on the cross? How was His body buried? Was He really raised from the dead? Please examine the evidence for...
Evidences for God, Jesus, & the Bible
Ask Guide7:57 PM
What evidence or apologetics does the Christian religion offer as proof or reasons to believe that God exists, the Bible is God's inspired word, and Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of God? What are the origins of the Universe, earth, plants, animals, and people: Divine creation or evolution? Have Old Testament prophecies of nations, cities, and Christ been fulfilled? What about miracles and the resurrection as proofs for Jesus? What testimony was...